Did you know that the watermelon that you bought just as a sweet fruit, in fact, it is a stock of qualities and it can overcome your many problems in a moment?

Seeing to the watermelon, coolness begins to feel. As much as it is captivating to look, it equally gives relish in eating. It’s damp down the thirst by giving coolness in the summer season. Plenty of water in watermelon and its sweetness fills the body with energy. Its tendency is very cold. 

Eating watermelon begins as the summer season starts because the regular consumption of watermelon during the summer season is very beneficial. In these days the heaps of watermelon are engaged in the market. Slightly hard on the top, watermelon contains plenty of water from inside. Oftenly the shopkeeper will show you a red color piece of watermelon and ask you to buy it. You, too, are guessed to be sugary by looking at her red color and will buy a watermelon. Did you know that the watermelon that you buy just as a sweet fruit, in fact, it is a stock of qualities?

In summer, the person itself needs to be hydrated and fresh.  If in this season 1 cup chopped watermelon gets, so what to say. It is not only healthful but it also very much tasty. Watermelon is one of the fruits of high lycopene, especially when you want to lose weight. Besides with plenty of nutrients, a watermelon is a good option for a snack.

Along with beta-carotene, antioxidants are also found in abundance in watermelon. Watermelon contains important mineral elements such as iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium, vitamins A and C which provide you with the ability to fight various types of diseases.  So let's know 14 Amazing Health Benefits of tasty and nourishing fruit, Watermelon of this summer-

14 Amazing Health Benefits of Eating Watermelon

1. Healthy Heart

There may be many causes of heart-related diseases but watermelon is a panacea to avoid them. Watermelon is helpful in removing heart disorders and cleansing the blood. Actually, watermelon has the ability to control cholesterol levels whereby the risk of heart-related diseases reduces. Also, Potassium-like nutrients present in watermelon are very important for keeping the heart healthy and fit.

2. Mental Health

To maintain mental health along with nutrients in your body balancing of hormones is also very important. Changes in the level of these two are many types of mental problem which also includes major problems like anxiety, stress, headache, and depression. To remove them you can consume watermelon.  In watermelon calming qualities of mind are found. Vitamin C found in it is very essential for mental health. Therefore the mind remains calm by eating watermelon regularly.  Actually, the tendency of watermelon is cool, so it keeps the mind calm.

3. Weight Loss

Watermelon is the best fruit to lose weight. Neither the weight increases with the watermelon nor cholesterol, from above there is also less calorie in it. The element called citrulline, which is present in watermelon, is extremely helpful in reducing the weight of the body. This element improves the function of the heart and prevents the fat from accumulating in the body. Since it contains 90% water, it fills up our stomach quickly and we also avoid eating too much. The excessive amount of water in watermelon can be an excellent option during dieting.

4. Cure of Cancer

Besides having an excellent source of Antioxidants, Watermelon is also a good source of Vitamin C. Watermelon preventing the formation of cancerous particles and also can help to get over it. According to many studies, due to the lycopene element present in watermelon, the likelihood of prostate, breast, uterus and lung cancer is reduced. 

5. Healthy Kidney

Many times due to lack of water, several types of problems arise in the kidney. Watermelon is known as a natural diuretic. Because it has a high quantity of water, therefore, it helps the kidney in carrying out harmful toxins from the body. It cleans the liver and reduces uric acid in the blood. It also reduces renal swelling.

6. Blood Pressure

In a study published by the American Journal of Hypertechnics, it was found that people who consume watermelon, their blood pressure remains under control. With 90% of the water in watermelon, it reduces body heat. Watermelon contains high amounts of Lycopene, which can help in preventing heart disease. The cold tendency of watermelon is helpful in controlling blood pressure.

7. Digestive System

Due to the abundance of water and fiber in watermelon, it helps to prevent constipation and helps to promote regularity for a healthy digestive system. Being Vitamin C & Vitamin B in watermelon, it is able to keep the digestive system in order. By eating watermelon, blood loss is fulfilled in the body and hunger is also properly found.

8. Asthma

Those who consume a higher quantity of nutrients have less risk of developing asthma. One of these nutrients is Vitamin C which is found in Watermelon. This is found from new research that Asthma attacks can increase due to low levels of Vitamin C in the body, whereas high levels of vitamin C in the body help reduce the symptoms of asthma. Asthma can be controlled by eating foods rich in more Vitamin C. Such as a watermelon in which 40% vitamin C is found and it can be consumed daily.

9. Skin

Vitamin A & Vitamin C, which are obtained from watermelon, prove to be very beneficial for the skin. With the help of Vitamin C, the body creates a protein called collagen which keeps the skin soft and young.

Lycopene and beta-carotene present in watermelon is able to protect the skin from heat and sunburn. Water content is very high in watermelon and the elements called flavonoids and carotenoids help in maintain to skin tightening. Rubbing the watermelon on the face gives shine to face and blackheads are also removed as well. Apart from this, it is also helpful to keep wrinkles away for a long time. 

10. Hair

Hair can become healthy and beautiful by eating watermelon regularly for some time. Just as Vitamin A & Vitamin C are beneficial for the skin similarly, it is also very beneficial for hair health. Because the proteins needed to keep the hair silky and strong, meet with the help of these elements. Watermelon consumption is considered to be the best in summer.

11. Muscles

Watermelon contains good amounts of potassium which is essential for the nervous system and muscular health in the body. Watermelon contains naturally occurring amino acids L citroneine which helps in reducing muscular pain. You can consume watermelon juice to get relief from muscular pain. Because it also fulfills the deficiency of water in your body along with you also get the amount of antioxidant and muscles also get necessary proteins from it. From its consumption muscle-related problems can be avoided.

12. Dehydration

Watermelon contains 90-92 percent of water and important electrolytes. Therefore, in order to prevent dehydration during the summer watermelon can be a good and fresh fruit as well as the best breakfast. It contains rehydration salts - calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium which help to keep body and skin hydrated. It is beneficial to eat watermelon and drink watermelon juice to save the body from the hot wind in the summer season. The watermelon is also helpful in keeping the body cool and healthy during the summer season.

13. Eyes

In watermelon abundance elements lycopene, vitamin C, beta carotene & vitamin A are found, which is capable of enhancing eyesight. The intake of watermelon helps in preventing diseases such as night blindness and cataract. Therefore regular consumption of watermelon is very beneficial for the eyes.

14. Headache

The problem of headache often increases during the summer season.  In this case, you can take the help of watermelon to remove the headache. By eating watermelon, the body gets the coolness and headache due to the heat is also removed. Therefore, it is beneficial to eat watermelon to get relief from headache in the summer.

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Sumegha Bhatnagar

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