In summer, sweat, hot air, scorching heat, pollution, dust, and humidity can make our skin dull and tired-looking. So it is important that we take special care of our skin during the summer season so that the effects of these causes cannot touch our beauty. Except for sun damage, some major skin problems that could occur because of over-exposure to the sun include coarse wrinkles, benign tumors, age spots and discolored areas of your skin called mottled pigmentation.
To keep our skin safe & radiant like before, listed below are 10 skin care tips which you may be following in this summer season:
1. Hydrate Yourself:
During summer, the human body has a tendency to lose lots of moisture. Therefore it is very important to hydrate the human body with water from time to time. Drinking plenty of water can help the skin remain soft and moisturized. Eating a lot of fruits can keep the skin & digestive tract healthy.
2. Using a Toner:
A skin toner will keep the pores closed and keep the skin cool. There are many beauty products for the toning of the skin, you can use rose water as its natural cooling properties are excellent for summer. Make sure you apply right after you dry off from your shower. You need to seal in the moisture your body just soaked in. After cleaning the face with mild face wash before sleeping and apply the SPF moisturizer on your face. Use the rose water to clean the face. It will get refreshing. Even Cucumber juice or coconut water can also be used for cleaning the face. Also make sure that you follow the age-old principle of cleaning, toning and moisturizing at night before sleeping.
3. Avoid Sun Exposure:
The afternoon sunlight is the most harmful. The hottest hours of the day are from 11 am to 3 pm. At this time the sun's rays are the fastest. You should avoid staying out for long in these hours as your skin will get more exposed to radiations. Therefore, always remember to apply sunscreen on the open areas of the face and skin 30 minutes before exiting.
4. Sun Protection:
For the protection of facial skin always use to wear a hat. You can also carry an umbrella to avoid the sun rays. You may also wear sunglasses to protect your eyes as the skin around the eyes is very sensitive which may cause to fast aging. In summer do not forget about the protection of lips. If you do step out, make sure your lips protected with a balm or lip gloss.
5. Apply Sunscreen:
Sunscreen protects the skin from excessive damage in bright sunlight. In a country with high temperature like India, the skin is damaged by strong sunlight. In such a way, the use of sunscreen at least SPF-30 is essential. Apply sunscreen 20-30 minutes before you stepping out into the sun. Reapply it after every 1-2 hours when you are in the sunlight for the prevention of your skin. Sunscreen application can minimizing sun related spots and might even help delay the beginning of fine lines and wrinkles.
6. Make-up:
The use of cosmetics should be minimized during the summer season because sweat caused by heat can make all the beauty and make-up spotty. However, it is beneficial to use ice before using the use of cosmetics, if necessary. It is okay to not use any kind of foundation, cream, and lotion. Because due to heat, such objects spread on the face can spoil your makeup. If makeup is must then use light make-up which is waterproof.
7. Avoid Aerated Drinks:
Aerated drinks contain a high amount of sugar, which is neither good for skin nor health. To quench thirst, it would be wise to drink fresh lime, juice of a fresh fruit or coconut water. At least daily drink 8-10 glasses of water to keep you fit in summer. Water keeps you feeling fresh, but it also prevents dehydration and helps to remove out the toxins.
8. Avoid Oily & Fast Food:
This is the time when people like fast-food so much. Due to eating more fatty or oily things, the digestive process becomes slows down. The direct impact of decaying digestion is coming on the skin. Avoid eating outdoors as far as possible in summer. If necessary, you can take the fruit or fresh fruit juice.
Do not underestimate what your grandmother told! You will find ingredients in your kitchen that may help to cool your skin during summer. Lemon and tomato are excellent for keeping the skin layer fresh. An instant way to utilize tomato is always to juice tomatoes, don't add water and freeze the juice utilizing your regular ice-trays. Make use of this as a mild scrub every alternate day and allow the juice dry on your skin before washing it off. You will see the wonders of the lycopene in tomato on your facial skin.
10. Wear Pleasant & Breathable Fabrics:
Cotton & lighter textures are an unquestionable requirement to handle the warmth. Tight clothes can reason inflammation and make sweaty parts of the human body itch extra. Drawn out conditions cause rashes and even critical skin infections.
At last never afraid of the sunlight as it helps us to produce more serotonin– a hormone. Always keep in mind about the above-mentioned summer skin care tips to help keep the skin fresh and glowing. Additionally, having a suitable diet may help to maintain the human body functioning. Exercising for 45 minutes daily will keep you fit and sound.

Tags: how to take care of face and skin in summer, how to take care of skin in indian summer, how to take care of your skin in summer, how to take care of skin in summer naturally, how to take care of facial skin in summer, how to take good care of skin in summer, how to take care of skin during summer, how to take care of skin at summer
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